Welcome to the CLASS Project
CLASS- A European educational project (2019- 2021)
Project description and background
In the CLASS project, scientific cooperation between four European partner countries is developing tools to combat early school leaving and to promote the 8 key competences agreed in the European framework (EC, 2006 & 2018). The CLASS project is a continuation of the SCHOLA project (https://www.schola-erasmus.eu/). SCHOLA demonstrated the value of an innovative approach to involving students through extracurricular activities such as volunteering.
The CLASS project aims to continue the virtuous circle initiated by the SCHOLA project in the European educational systems, but also in the educational structures of the Third Sector in Europe and worldwide, by building a multidisciplinary network that supports education as a catalyst for sustainable development.
The United Nations definition (Agenda 2030) introduces the concept of "sustainable development" without its economic dimension but closely linked to the dimensions of social inclusion and the environment.
Purpose and Objectives
The aim of the CLASS project is to provide teachers with new pedagogical tools and approaches adapted to new needs in order to involve organizations and companies with different horizons, not only in education, in a broader vision of education that focuses not only on knowledge and skills but also on common universal needs and values.
This will work on the "5 P's" in Agenda 2030:
- people
- planet
- prosperity
- peace
- partnership.
The European CLASS project team will select further Agenda 2030 objectives on the basis of perceived priorities and organize school and out-of-school educational activities (e.g. volunteering) in cooperation with experts from third sector organizations on the themes chosen by the project. The involvement of these non-profit is very important in order to establish a link between the project team and the stakeholders it addresses.
Links will be established between schools and the field of sustainable development to promote not only school education but also the role of teachers and students in building a better world. The activities carried out in school must be linked to those carried out in the related third sector structures - externally, when they are carried out as extra-curricular activities, but also internally, by integrating them into the compulsory school curriculum as socio-cultural activities.
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